When an alien came down from his spaceship to tell me he loved me, I cried
I couldn't believe how he looked at me… with such intensity and beauty
It made me believe that fate must organize the cosmos
For how else could such perfection exist?
Maybe we were from different worlds
But love is a universal force that moves us all
I took his long green hand in mine and,
Because this galaxy is huge
And I worried
Made him pinky swear that we would never lose each other
He was easy to love my tall green man,
He liked being little spoon when we cuddled and loved watching Indiana Jones films at night
We laughed hard and loved harder
Finally, one night when we were looking up at the sky we saw a shooting star
I prayed on it
He wondered what I wished for obviously, but I told him what I’ll tell you
It doesn’t come true if anyone else knows
And I couldn’t risk my eternal happiness for anything
So these lips are sealed
And while poets bare their entire souls with a certain sadistic recklessness
This is the one secret I’ll keep
The one